Carbon Reduction Plan

The History and the current position of our Carbon Reduction plan including our future goals.

Chester Hall Precision machined components for critical applications Carbon Reduction Plan Co2e Assessed Supply Chain
Chester Hall Precision machined components for critical applications Carbon Reduction Plan Co2e Assessed Organisation
Chester Hall Precision machined components for critical applications Carbon Reduction Plan


CHP is making a commitment to protect our local environment and minimise the impact of our activities on the wider environment. As part of this, CHP is working towards achieving Net Zero by 2040. In 2021, we started to report to our customers, our Scope 1 and Scope 2 figures yearly and during 2023/24 we will be reporting our Scope 3 emissions (business travel, employee commuting, transportation, distribution, and waste). The next update of this plan will also specify our carbon reductions target and plans and how we will achieve these. From 2021 we have and will continue to conduct annual monitoring to measure our progress in reducing our carbon output. Our approach to has been up to now as follows.


Since January 2018 we have been looking at ways of reducing our Carbon footprint and becoming a greener business. Initially we decided to pick a new Electricity supplier not the cheapest but one that would give us the best Co2 reduction of all the suppliers we could get a quotation from.  This reduction for 2022 was 91.1% and after much discussion we will now use this reduction in our 2022 Co2 report and use the zero-carbon percentage in future disclosures. From January 2018 this has been a slow process due to business commitments but gradually we have worked away at it with regular reviews and we have achieved a 3.5% reduction so far. In Q4 2023 we intend to launch our Solar panel project and we expect this to yield a further 7% reduction in our Co2 footprint in 2024.

Details of Actions so far.

In 2013 we started to compact our byproduct of metal machining “SWARF” by a 12:1 reduction reducing truck pickups from 5 per week to 1 per week and improving the environment by collecting the oil residues and disposing of these according to the regulations.

In 2018 we installed where possible sensor operated auto lighting switches.

In 2018 we began sorting our rubbish and compacting and reducing waist and reducing waist collections.

In 2018 we entered contract with EDF where currently 91.1% of the energy we purchase Is carbon free. We will now be reducing our reported usage by this percentage. We intend to remain in contract with EDF while they can maintain this level of zero carbon electricity generation.

In 2019 we Introduced full vehicle tracking to all company commercial transport. This has helped to reduce the journeys and make this activity more efficient.

In 2021 we replaced all lighting where we could to LED and this was completed in December 2022.

Future Co2 Reductions.

In 2023 our South facing Solar Panel project was started and it is currently due to be complete in 2024. This will achieve an estimated saving of 7% of all the power we consume.


CHP is already well established with metal product recycling procedures and for paper products, cardboard, fluorescent tubes, batteries, and toner cartridges. Other items which are not produced in sufficient quantities to warrant a regular recycling scheme are arranged on a campaign basis.


CHP actively seeks to appoint suppliers with a good track record in sustainability. We seek to use products that have lower overall environmental impact such as cleaning products which use recycled paper or minimise transport impact using concentrated products.

Products and Services. 

CHP are committed to reducing reliance on plastics for holding and packing materials this is currently being explored. All wrapping plastic used is 100% recyclable.


CHP seeks to reduce the impact of travel and transport. This includes the use of tele/video conferencing to eliminate some customer visits and other journeys. We are investigating the use of car sharing, walking, and cycling to work. We also seek to procure goods in a way which minimises transport including sourcing locally where possible and using larger batch sizes to reduce the number of repeat visits by suppliers. CHP intends to promote walking and cycling to work and will investigate providing facilities to encourage a wider participation on both a regular and a casual basis.

Dean Halsey.
Managing Director.
